Christmas Books 2007

I have sanctified this mostly paganized and commercialized holiday by expanding my book collection. Here’s the books I bought with Christmas money in no particular order:

  1. Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell. No, we’re not related.
  2. Angkor and the Khmer Civilization by Michael D. Coe.
  3. How Pol Pot Came To Power by Ben Kiernen.
  4. Pauline Christology by Gordon D. Fee (now that he has written this and God’s Empowering Presence, when is he going to write his book on Pauline paterology? :) )
  5. The Saving Righteousness of God by Michael F. Bird.
  6. Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies by Craig A. Evans.
  7. Contours of Christology in the New Testament edited by Longenecker.
  8. A New Perspective on Jesus by Dunn.
  9. Jesus, the Tribulation, and the End of Exile by Pitre.
  10. The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple by Bauckham
  11. The Preexistent Son by Gathercole.

Since I’m not auditing or taking any classes this semester, I will have to rely on books and blog reading for intellectual stimulation. These plus my birthday books should help keep me busy.


Nick Norelli 2008-01-13 06:05:07

If you’re anything like me, then you’re going to love Pauline Christology (btw, have you seen Chris Tilling’s multi-part review of it?), Contours of Christology, The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple (which I’m in the process of reviewing), and The Preexistent Son -- They’re all awesome books.

Pardon the improper comment referring folks to my blog. ;)

Eric 2008-01-13 07:56:30

The only one I’ve actually read some of so far is the Contours book (just the chapter on Mark). I’m working my way through an old synoptic problem book and someones post-dissertation publishing on Isaiah in Mark and that’s keeping me from getting to them. But soon enough I will! And yes, I have seen Tilling’s review. It’s just one of those books that people talk about so much that you just have to get it. Now I just need to get Bauckham’s Eyewitnesses book!