Getting Ready For Greek Group Again
My little Greek reading group here in Dallas is going to start meeting again tomorrow, Lord willing. Tonight I am finishing up the material we will cover tomorrow night. We are going to start reading Mark 1. I don’t expect us to finish. I am preparing the reader now. I’ve got my text ready; I’m just adding vocabulary and syntax notes for them to help them out. Of course I’ll be there to help them tomorrow night, but these notes will be with them during the week when I’m not. When I am done with it, I will post it here for everyone to use.
Before we took a break we spent about eight or so meetings reviewing. Now we will spend the bulk of our time in texts, with some built in systematic review time each meeting. Seems like a good way to go forward.
I miss the group meeting. I miss the fellowship, the chatting, and of course the delicious wings. Yum...