Links of Greatness - September 7, 2008
Posted: 09/07/08 10:21 PM
Here are some various tidbits, links to things worth looking at new and old.
- Patristics Carnival 15 is up now over at Hyperekperisou!. And thanks for the mention, Phil.
- The Greek Lexicon Project. What I found particularly interesting today was the bit on the "slips". Thanks to Atticus Cox of the Classics-L list for pointing this out.
- An interesting bit on Robertson’s Grammar.
- Koine Greek Vocabulary BYKI Cards. Glad to see this for sure! Thanks to Bryant Williams on the B-Greek List for the group heads up.
- The Loeb author timeline. Not exhaustive but useful. Thanks to J.L. Speranza on the Classics-L list for the link.
Humor and Entertaining Things
- Great card!
- Brilliant Web Video? Certainly not the best, but impressive work nonetheless.
- Pirates and Emperors. Unfortunately there is some truth to this. Thanks Edward.
- The Shape of the Book. Looks interesting. You can get it at a good price from Amazon.
- The Text of the Gospels in Clement of Alexandria. This was announced on a number of blogs. It is only available for pre-order at the moment, but Amazon has it for around $40 at the moment
Textual Criticism
- Klaus Wachtal’s online geneological query program. Looks very interesting.
Modern Foreign Language Study
- Journal en français facile. According to my brother, this is a great way to get some easy French. Apparently suitable once you’ve been through a first-year French course. Included is both a transcript and audio (Click on the link that says "Journal en français facile" on the left nav for the audio).
- Champs-Elysées. Also from my brother. Audio magazines in French, Spanish, Italian, and German. Says he has got quite a bit out of it for his French studies.
New Testament Studies
- Provenance of Colossians. Interesting.
- Proof there is a God.
- Maitre d’s, Managers, and Maniacs. And I quote: "Diarrhea of the mouth is a sure sign of constipation of thought.". Love it.
- The Israelis Are On To Something Here. I think this sentiment deserves more comment down the road, but I am partially in agreement.