What Has Been Going On?
Posted: 02/02/12 8:00 AM
So, what has been going on guys? Things have been rather quiet around here. I don’t expect anyone to still be around...but hi anyway! Now begins the obligitory “I have not blogged in like forever” post.
Alright, some factoids for those who care. My next post will actually have real content ;)
- I still live in Dallas. I still have one wife and three kids. I also now own fish.
- I am still a developer by trade and I still love it. I am also still at the same job I was last time. Lots of tech stuff has changed over the last few years but you guys may not really care about that. If so, follow my technical blog. I have actually been updating things there.
- My forays into early Christianity have continued. I have spent less time in the world of textual criticism and manuscript reading. TC itself isn’t that huge of an interest for me but I do enjoy manuscript reading still. Need to do more of that...
- Perhaps the most mind-opening study I have been doing has been in far eastern Christianity, as in east of the Eastern Orthodox, among the so-called "Assyrian Orthodox." There is a lot of interesting stuff there and a lot more for me to learn.
- In the meantime I actually studied a little Latin, but just enough to make me feel guilty for quitting again. I think I made it through a little over a quarter of Wheelock this time.
- I am still attending FBC Parker, a reformed Baptist church in Parker, TX. Strangely enough, I happen to be in the first long break from teaching that I’ve had in years. It has been refreshing, but I am anxious to start back. I plan on starting with a study of the Gospel of John. Related, Richard Bauckham is such a valuable asset :)
- I am currently studying the only extant letter of Theophilus of Antioch, his letter to Autolycus. I hope to start blogging on it next week. You have to start somewhere.
- I have this problem. As a web developer, I feel the need to write my own blog site. Most web developers are smart enough not to think this way but, alas, it is a burden I bear. I have had a new version of it for quite some time but this blog was not on it. Problem #2 is that if my blog isn’t up to snuff technically, I don’t want to use it. This actually has contributed quite a bit to my silence over the last year. This will not make any sense to any of you. Like I said, I have a problem :) Things are mostly converted over now though I have some old image links to update, some content to fix, some urls to make backwards-compatible and some styling to do. I should get most of this fixed soon, but I won’t let that keep me from my blogging this time!
My stalwart readers, if you still exist, I look forward to chatting with you :)
Roger Pearse 2012-02-02 11:05:17
Well, you're still in my RSS feed. But remember that blogging benefits no-one much, just as with most online communication. God didn't write a blog; he gathered people.
The Militant Pacifist 2012-02-02 01:24:11
Wow...you're still there...I thought this site was just an archive...:-)
Steve Bricker 2012-02-02 01:50:57
I get #8. As a software tester (i.e. recovering developer) I would rather build my own automated tools to do the job than try to what someone else has done. Perhaps the difference is that upon passing the half-century in age a few years ago, I am finally understanding that I cannot do it all (hurts to admit), so I use Blogger.
Seumas 2012-02-02 02:54:50
One stalwart reader right here! Welcome back.
Eric Sowell 2012-02-02 10:59:22
@Roger: True enough, but I think I'll still blog some!
@TMP: Oh Gee Edward, that just hurts :)
@Steve: You can recover from being a developer? I'm having way too much fun.
@Seumas: Thanks :)