Learning Log - Oct 30th 2016
Posted: 10/30/16 8:35 PM
I decided a week ago to start creating a log of things that I’m reading and learning. You probably won’t get anything out of it but it at least gives me a log of my own activities. And maybe posting will encourage me to not be too lazy and make sure that I learn more every week.

...anyway, here is my list for the last week.
- Bible Reading - Ezekiel 36-37, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew 1-13
- Greek Reading - Ps-Lucian’s The Ass, sections 5-6, Colossians 1
Book Reading
- Ferriss, The 4-Hour Body, chapters 1-4
- Pitre, The Case for Jesus, chapters 8-9 (great so far, get yourself a copy)
- S. Ambrose et al., How Learning Works, read chapter 4, skimmed 4 and 7
- Spalding, How to Teach Adults, chapter 1 (second read because I love it...go buy it)