January Language Learning Report
Here I am, late, once again. As I mentioned in the last post, I got a new job. It has been fun so far, but the job thinking, anguish, decision making, and then finally starting it, has done some damage to my study schedule. Still, I maintain some level of discipline.
As I mentioned in my Q4 language log post, I am recording what I am doing differently now. Instead of a journal, I am putting everything in Excel and actually writing down the minutes spent, along with the type of activity. At some point I will re-learn how to make awesome line graphs in Excel, but until that point I will just give an overview. In the month of January I recorded 1,743 minutes of Greek/Latin study. Assuming I put the numbers into the calculator correctly, that's 56 minutes per day. I actually expected less when I added it all up just now. That’s not great, and is certainly not Seumas-level study, but that is all I could bring my distracted brain to do in the month of January.
Unlike the last number of months, time spent in January was predominately Greek at 70%. Most of that was reading in Athanasius’ On the Incarnation using the nice diglot edition in the popular patristics series. At my current pace I will be through it early March. I am really loving it, even if it is a bit difficult for me. On average it is taking me 29 minutes per section, using the English translation as my primary source of filling in my lexical gaps. The second reading (which is always at least one day later) takes 17 minutes on average. I have completely neglected LLPSI, but will pick that up again this month.
There are two big changes for February. First, at the end of January I started this conversational Greek class, which has been a lot of fun. Second, I am back to commuting in the truck instead of the train. This means I am starting to lean more on audio resources if I want to do language learning on the commute. For the most part that has been recordings from the class, though I have started listening to this guy’s recordings of the GNT.
Now, stop reading this, and go get some studying done!
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