More Letters to Add to My Name - MCP

Well, it’s been a while, but I’m back with news. Today I passed my first Microsoft certification exam and became a Microsoft Certified Professional, an MCP. I took the 070-316 exam, entitled "Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET", which means my passing proves that I know absolutely everthing about Windows programming. Woohoo! Okay...maybe not.

I’ve wanted to do this for some time, so I’m glad to have finally done it. The impetus this time was a special offer from MS, a promotion, where one can get a free retake if you fail the exam. As it turns out, it wasn’t necessary. I figured I would try, and would at the very least "get the feel" of a certification exam. But I passed. Woohoo!

So, tonight we celebrated. Chili’s to go...

Eric B. Sowell, ThM, MCP


Mum 2005-05-14 06:58:00

Congratulations Son,

I am so proud of you and just plain impressed that you are adding letters to your name. question....could you not also add B.S. or do you have a B.A. from UMHB?
Hope the celebration was a good one...check the other email and downsize those pics for me when you get a chance.

Tim 2005-05-14 12:38:00

Congratulations, BUT...

back when I was young MCP stood for "Male Chauvinist Pig", not the sort of epithet I’d publicise!

Kirk H. Sowell 2005-05-14 11:27:00

Congradulations! I treated myself to Taco Bell (combo #4) to celebrate passing the bar.

Kirk H. Sowell 2005-05-14 11:29:00

And by the way you can ignore the last email I sent you; I figured out what was wrong with my comments function.

Jim 2005-05-14 12:16:00

Well done. It’s a good thing you know about computers cuz I don’t have a clue in this world what test you took or what it means!

But congratulations anyway!

Eric Sowell 2005-05-14 02:35:00

Thanks anonymous mom. I’ll call you about the pictures.

Tim, perhaps I should put a disclaimer:

Eric B. Sowell, MCP (who is not a male chauvinist pig) Maybe that will make it clear.

And thank you Kirk.

And thank you Jim.

Kirk H. Sowell 2005-05-14 01:45:00

It sure is nice to have an anonymous Mom at times. She sure didn’t seem anonympous when we were growing up.